Thermometer continuations, part 2

Posted on February 15, 2020 by Calvin

Note: This blog post is still a rough draft. Read on with caution.

In this post we’ll describe the construction of the shift/reset control operators for implementing delimited continuations, under the style of replay-based thermometer continuations. Recall that the main idea of thermometer continuations is simple: continuations act as “resumable exceptions”, so we need to simulate the “resume” part of a continuation, which we can do by the dumbest possible way– just do the entire computation again! But this time with our already established choices intact until the point where the resumption is called.

We will again build this in stages, following the paper of Koppel et al. But the construction is so simple one has to think if one could have invented it themselves!

Again, the code is on my github here.

baby version

Just like for the case of nondeterministic effects, we will first restrict to a version of the shift/reset operators that assumes the reset block only contains one shift, which invokes its passed continuation 0 or multiple times. As before we need to some form of global state. What do we need?

The reset operator takes in a lambda function with no arguments, returning an expression comprising of (in this case, a single) shift operators and other computations. Semantically, when a continuation in shift is called, the continuation passed in is the rest of the computation outside of the shift operator, delimited by the reset block. As such, to capture this continuation we need to “replay” this function again, this time with the shift operator replaced by the value called in the shift block.

For example, in the expression

we compute the expression 1 + k(5), where the argument k is given by the continuation 2 * [] captured by the reset statement. Hence once the shift block is hit, we replay the entire computation in reset, except this time shift(...) is replaced by 5, so we get 2 * 5, which is the return value of the k(5) in the shift block. We continue the computation from there to get 1 + 10 or 11 as the final value.

Hence as a first step, we need to keep around the function inside the reset block as a piece of global state, so that we can replay it again when necessary. We also need to keep around a floating state global variable, which will be the value replacing the shift block during replays of the reset block (this what is happening during a single replay):

The reset operator is fairly simple: we just want to run the function.

Here, Done is an exception wrapping the return value of a (single) shift block:

Uh, why are we wrapping a return value of a shift block in an exception? And why are we throwing an exception in the first place? It’s because after the shift computation, we just want that as our return value– we don’t want to continue in the reset block after a shift statement!

Look at our example above– after the shift block gives us 11, we want to abandon the rest and return that as our total return from the reset block. If we were to go on afterwards, we would get 2 * 11 or 22. This is why we need both exceptions and state to build thermometer continuations. To exit out of the reset early, we throw an exception.

The replay loop is contained then in the shift operator– we will step through this:

Firstly we see that shift relies on a global state variable. Recall here that the argument to shift is a lambda function fn = lambda k: (...) where the argument k will be given the value of the captured delimited continuation after the shift block, delimited by the reset. Hence when running a shift block, when we hit an instance of the argument k in fn, we replay the entire reset block where the shift block is replaced by the value of the called k function. If this is overwhelming, read this paragraph again slowly while writing down how to compute the delimited continuation example above.

The implementation of this (baby) shift is clear then: if the state is not None, that means we are performing a replay where a value has been passed into the continuation. Then here, shift will act as if the entire block is that value, for the purpose of performing the delimited continuation.

Otherwise, we are running the shift block for the first time. Here k represents the captured continuation: during the replay, we’ll replay the entire computation with the state set to the value called in shift, so that on the next pass the other if condition will ignore this shift block.

We then recursively call the replay and when we hit a result, we create an exception to abort the computation inside the reset block so that we don’t perform the further computation outside of the shift blocks.

This implementation of the shift/reset control operators is enough for simple delimited control statements such as

Since we’ve succeeded in using one shift block, let’s see how to extend this to more!

return of the stacks

Suppose we have a delimited control statement with multiple shift operators in it:

During computation we hit the first shift statement and it calls the captured k on 3. The continuation captured by k is given by

1 + [] * shift(\m -> 1 + m(4))

which is itself a call to a shift statement, where the continuation captured by m is <return of first shift> * [] + 1. By the semantics, this continuation is run with the value plugged into m, i.e. 4. Here the replay sets the return of the first shift to be the value plugged into k, i.e. 3, so we have the continuation captured by m applied to 4 gives the value 1 + 4 * 3 = 13. This value is then finished up in the shift block to give the return value of 14.

Note that in the above we need to keep track of all the return values for each shift operator during the replay. This is the origin of the thermometer, which will be a stack of values replacing the shift operators during a replay. As a start, our global state will consist of the function to be called repeatedly (in the reset block):

and some stacks to form our “thermometer”:

Here, state is represented by a past and future stack. What if our calls to shift are nested? Looking at the semantics of a control statement like

we see that we can’t just blindly set a shift operator to a fixed value, because in a nested call, we will prematurely replace the entire shift value with the past state during replay without reaching inwards and evaluating the inside shift. Hence we need to keep track of nested calls with an extra stack

This gives us the full global state necessary to implement delimited continuations. First we show what a thermometer is: it is a data structure that keeps track of the stateful replays of a reset operator.

Once we have the thermometer set up, the reset operator is the initial instance of one:

As before, in the run function, the shift operator will return its final value to reset via a thrown exception, which will ignore the remainder of the computation outside of those operators.

The thermometer gives us the ability to replay a reset block with the shift statements replaced by the evaluated future stack. This informs how to build the shift operator. Put another way, the thermometer (which is the future) contains the values of all effectful computations that have perspired in the execution of a shift operator.

There are two cases in the execution of a shift block: the first is if the block is called for the first time. In this case, we’ll replay the entire computation with the state set to the value called in shift’s captured continuation, so that on the next pass the other case will ignore that block:

The other case is during a replay, in which the shift block will have a determined value given by the future stack:

Combined into a single operator, this gives the shift function:

This gives our general delimited control operators shift/reset, all in Python! We can test this out and get a bunch of cool results from it.


To encapsulate all this control logic into a single object, the delim library on my github exposes a single class called Cont which gives delimited control to any codebase. An example use is similar to the above:

Delimited control gives us a bunch of algebraic effects and handlers that we would be happy to use in a modern programming language. In the next post of the series, I’ll use delimited continuations to implement reverse-mode autodifferentiation, a less well-known algebraic effect in the programming language theory literature. Thanks for reading!