Probability sheaves

Posted on June 20, 2020 by Calvin

Note: This blog post is still a rough draft. Read on with caution.

Since I’m trying to learn about information cohomology, I would hope there is a sheaf theory underlying everything. There are inklings of one, but I’m not sure how developed it is. In this post I want to write up some notes on probability sheaves and their connection to the monadic viewpoint of probability theory.

probability sheaves

To talk about (pre)sheaves, we need a convenient category of spaces to do probability theory on. The category we will use is that of Polish spaces, that is, the category of topological spaces homeomorphic to separable complete metric spaces. Let \(\text{Polish}=\text{Met}^{\text{cmpl, sep}}\) be the category of Polish spaces. Why is this nice? It’s easy to turn a Polish space into a measurable one– just take the \(\sigma\)-algebra of Borel sets. So implicitly when we talk about a Polish space \(X\), we are talking about a Borel-measurable space with a Borel probability measure. A technical detail: maps between Polish spaces are measure-preserving, and we identify maps that differ on a measure-zero space. This is ultimately because we will impose the same restriction on random variables, because some important random variable constructions are only well-defined up to measure-zero equivalence.

Why should we consider sheaves when we talk about probability theory? A famous blog post of Tao pushes the viewpoint of modern probability theory that rejects mention of the underlying sample space. Indeed, this Grothendieck-inspired view defines probability theory as the study of “concepts that are preserved with respect to extension of the underlying sample space”. Indeed, the slogan here is: probability theory only concerns itself with random properties, not with the underlying space they are organized on. This multi-scale viewpoint (extension) fits well with the categorical notion underlying presheaves (restriction).

Anyway, onwards to sheaves. Let \(A\) be a Polish space (which we will consider the space of values). Let \(\text{RV}(A):\text{Polish}^\text{op}\to\text{Set}\) be the presheaf of random variables with values in \(A\), up to measure-zero equivalence:

\[ \text{RV}(A)(\Omega) = \{\text{random variables }X:\Omega\to A\} / \sim_0 \]

where \(\sim_0\) is the relation of measure-zero equivalence.

Note: This is not merely the Yoneda embedding! Here, a random variable \(X:\Omega\to A\) may not be measure-preserving, but maps between Polish spaces in our category are.

To form sheaves, we must endow \(\text{Polish}\) with a Grothendieck topology. As all maps between Polish spaces are measure-preserving, random variables are essentially “invariant” to pullbacks and pushforwards. Indeed, this implies that we can take any map in \(\text{Polish}\) to be a covering map. We express this by giving \(\text{Polish}\) the atomic topology, in which all maps are coverings, and denote this Grothendieck site by \(\text{Polish}_\text{atomic}\). As a corollary, we see that all presheaves are sheaves on the random variable topos defined here.

To check this is a valid Grothendieck site, the only property we need to verify is the existence of pullback coverings: for a pair of maps \(\Omega_a\to\Omega\leftarrow\Omega_b\) between Polish spaces, we define the independent pullback to be the Polish space \(\Omega_a\times_\Omega \Omega_b\) given by the standard set-theoretic pullback endowed with the unique probability measure characterized by the algebraic measures

\[ d(\Omega_a\times_\Omega\Omega_b)(x, y) = d\Omega_a(x)\otimes d\Omega_b(y) \]

for each \((x,y)\in\Omega_a\times_\Omega\Omega_b\). Put another way, we see that the probability measure \(d(\Omega_a\times_\Omega\Omega_b)\) is a parameterized family of conditionally independent measures varying over \(\Omega\).
