Recursion and fixed points

Posted on December 21, 2022 by Calvin

I haven’t written in awhile, but I have a few posts stored up. But of course, I get distracted a lot, so this is going to be a short post about recursion in the lambda calculus. It also gives me an excuse to just review the lambda calculus in general!

lambda calculus

The lambda calculus is a mathematical theory of computation, in which all computation is done using \(\lambda\)-functions. A \(\lambda\)-function is a pretty restrictive form of function– they are single argument functions that always return a single thing. For example, we can have

λx.3x+1  # represents \x -> 3*x + 1

where the comment describes a Haskell lambda.

The single argument isn’t too much of a restriction, by the way. We can extend to (finite) multiple arguments by currying:


which is equivalently in Python given by

As \(\lambda\)-functions are indeed functions, we can apply them on other expressions like

[λx.3x+1] 7

which would give 22. This all looks dandy, except that in the lambda calculus, we really only have functions (well, plus variable bindings and evaluations). So an expression like λx.3x+1 will require us to figure out some things, like what the symbols 3 and + mean in this theory of computation.

How would you, for example, model the natural numbers \(\mathbf{N}\) in the \(\lambda\)-calculus? Alonzo Church thought about these encodings a lot in the \(\lambda\)-calculus, and his solution is an elegant one. I don’t know of a good way to motivate this definition from first principles– it’s better to just stare at the definition and stew in it.

To start, we let the numeral \(1\) to be defined as the \(\lambda\)-function

1 = λf.λx.f(x)

In the \(\lambda\)-calculus, we don’t really have much. The only thing we have is functions and function applications. So for counting, we might as well count the number of function applications we have towards a single input. This motivates the other Church numerals

2 = λf.λx.f(f(x))
3 = λf.λx.f(f(f(x)))
n = λf.λx.f(...f(x))  # where function is applied n times

We also can define \(0\) as 0 = λf.λx.x, having no function applications. An alternative way to generate the Church numerals is to start with something like the base numeral \(0\) given above and applying the successor function succ, given as

succ = λg.λf.λx.f(g(f)(x))

The successor function is just function application at it’s core. For example, we can see that

succ(2) = succ(λa.λy.a(a(y)))
        = λf.λx.f([λa.λy.a(a(y))] f x)
        = λf.λx.f(f(f(x)))
        = 3

If we really want to call these things numbers, we better have a way to do stuff with them. One thing you want to do with numbers is add them. How do we define +? Since we’ve reduced the natural numbers to repeated function application, addition is then relatively easy– just apply the function even more times. For example, if you have 2 and 3, which means you applied a function twice and three times, then applying them in sequence just means you applied it 5 times, which is the sum 2 + 3 == 5.

Formalizing, we can create the \(\lambda\)-function

add = λn.λm.n(succ)(m)

Roughly translated, we apply the successor function \(n\) times, starting with \(m\). As an example, we can try

add(2)(3) = [λn.λm.n(succ)(m)] 2 3
          = 2(succ)(3)
          = [λf.λx.f(f(x))] succ 3
          = succ(succ(3))
          = succ(4)
          = 5

where we did the analysis for succ before.

Okay, cute! Multiplication is then another easy hop from here– instead of applying succ \(n\) times, we apply \(add(m)\) (which is again a function).

mult = λn.λm.n(add(m))(0)

For example, we can compute

mult(2)(3) = [λn.λm.n(add(m))(0)] 2 3
           = 2(add(3))(0)
           = [λf.λx.f(f(x))] add(3) 0
           = add(3)(add(3)(0))
           = add(3)(3)
           = 6

For sanity’s sake, we can explicitly write out

mult(x)(0) = [λn.λm.n(add(m))(0)] x 0
           = x(add(0))(0)
           = [λf.λx.f(...f(x))] add(0) 0
           = add(0)(... add(0)(0))
           = add(0)(... 0)
           = 0

mult(0)(x) = [λn.λm.n(add(m))(0)] 0 x
           = 0(add(x))(0)
           = [λf.λy.y] add(x) 0
           = 0

Whew! Now we’ve finally defined the \(\lambda\)-function λx.3x+1. We note that in the above, we have been using alpha and beta reductions liberally. Anyway, the \(\lambda\)-calculus is incredible expressive, and can provably do everything a Turing machine can do (leading to the Church-Turing thesis).

So for example, we can do recursion.


Let’s look at an example of a recursive function, the factorial:

A key feature of this definition is that it refers to the function itself in the definition. This self-reference requires us to give the function a name, which isn’t something we can do in the standard \(\lambda\)-calculus. \(\lambda\)-functions are anonymous, hence it’s difficult to write a recursive function this way.

However, if we step back and think about our goal, we might have a path forward. We want to construct a function fact in the \(\lambda\)-calculus in such a way that fact is a “definitionally a function of itself”. That is, there is some other lambda g, such that we can express fact as

fact = g(fact)

We see that the fact \(\lambda\)-function is hence a fixed point of the \(\lambda\)-function g! In this way, we have converted our question of defining a recursive function (that may require self-reference) into a question of computing the fixed points of \(\lambda\)-functions.

So now just need a way to compute the fixed points of \(\lambda\)-functions. Our goal is to divine a higher-order function

such that for any function f, we have fix f = f (fix f)– that is, fix takes a function and returns a fixed point of the function. Haskell is kinda cheating when we define this, by the way– you can write

and just let lazy evaluation semantics take hold to make sure you don’t cause a horrific stack overflow.

But in the standard \(\lambda\)-calculus we can’t get off this easily. To begin with, lets try to express the simplest recursive function

loop = loop

Here, loop is the true self-referential function. Indeed, in Python

How would we write this in the \(\lambda\)-calculus? Brace yourself for some magic:

loop = (λx.x x) (λx.x x)

If we sit back and expand it out in terms of the function application and \(\beta\)-reduction rules, we see that indeed this does give loop = loop by definition.

From here, it’s a little logical leap to get to our implementation of fix f: we want to loop, but when we do, we want to apply our function f. This is because, in analogy to the fixed point theorems we find in mathematics all the time, we often get a fixed point of a function by infinitely applying the function to an input. In our case it looks like

fix f = f (fix f)
      = f (f (fix f))
      = f (f ... f (fix f))

So we do the same magic as loop, except now we add an f when we perform the loop:

fix = λf.(λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))

This implementation of fix is also known as the Y combinator (yes, just like that Y-combinator). This is an awesome definition, but we should at least verifies that it gives us a fixed point!

fix f = [λg.(λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x))] f
      = (λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))
      = f ((λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x)))
      = f ([λg.(λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x))] f)
      = f (fix f)

This is pretty incredible. To turn out fact into a \(\lambda\)-function then, we need to express fact then as the fixed point of an associated \(\lambda\)-function. Taking the \(\lambda\)

λr.λx.if x == 0 then 1 else r(x - 1) * x

we have that

fact = fix λr.λx.if x == 0 then 1 else r(x - 1) * x

In python, we can write the above as

Testing, we see in the interpreter

> fact(9)
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Whoops! Python eagerly evaluates those function calls, leading to a burst stack. The usual way to get around this is by passing in a thunk, giving

Then, in fact, we get finally a running computation:

> fact_thunk(9)